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How to know whether a radio station is turned on or off


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Hi Folks,


I created a radio station following this YT tutorial (

) and it work great.

I then added a craftable radio turned to the same station frequency following the info here (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12996/)

Again, all is good.


I thought it might be nice to enhance it by having the names of the songs "announced" as they each play.


So in the script associated with the quest, I put in an if-elseif to check the CurrentSong value to use Debug.Notification("Radio playing Song x") to temporarily display the name of the song that is playing.

And this seemed to be working ok too.


But, when I turn off the radio, all of a sudden it starts repeatedly displaying the names of songs one right after the other .. and my best guess is that the quest is still running and randomly picking songs to play, but since the radio is turned off, the songs don't actually play .. if I turn the radio back on, eventually the notifications stop and it goes back to just displaying the name of a song when that song starts.


So I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to know if the pipboy or a crafted radio is turned on/tuned in to my radio's frequency so that I only display the song titles when someone is listening .. or maybe better maybe the quest should only start when you are tuned to that frequency and stop when you are not tuned in.


Anyone have any experience with radio stations etc or have an idea where to look? I looked around in the various assets associated with the radio station but nothing obvious jumps out at me ..

thanks ...


Update: apparently other people have run into this issue with other examples of how to create a radio station … its "quest" runs continuously to play a song, instead of only trying to play songs when the radio is active .. THAT would be the right fix ..


Update: I have RadioOff/On Activators ... I was hoping to maybe use a script in them to access a variable in my Quest script to indicate when the radio is on or off .. I tried an OnActivate() event but that doesn;t seem to fire ..? Anyone know what event I can use in a radio activator script so I can toggle the radio on/off ..??

Edited by jrfk2
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Sorry I missed your replies folks .. when I looked at my post from the list of posts it still said 0 replies :(


SKK50 I will try your snippet as it looks like just what I was looking for, but as Reneer asked, this will play on the pip boy or on a craftable radio … so I wonder what will happen if they have the radio on in the near vicinity .. but walk away to where they can't hear it ..

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The "if Game.IsPlayerListening(nn.n)" works only in the Pipboy .. but that may be a good enough solution for me, unless there is some way to check if a craftable radio for that same station is turned on or off via the RadioReceiver and RadioReceiverOff Activator objects. And again, not sure what would happen if the player turns on a craftable radio and leaves the listening area, but I expect as I mentioned in my original post it would go back to announcing the songs one after the other as the songs wouldn't be playing ...

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