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Creating a script to make spell damage scale based on player level


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Hey everyone, Today i decided i was going to create a new mod for skyrim, that fixes the damage scaling issue with Magic. Basically i want to make the mod improve destruction damage based on player level and how many skill points the player has spent in destruction etc etc. From what i understand from all the tutorials ive read / seen, is that I will need to create a papyrus script to do this? Can anyone point me in the right direction to create such a script? I am very familiar with coding and oop, i have experience with JS, php, C# and python, so im not new to coding :thumbsup: . Any and all help is very much appreciated!
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So far i have found a few things such as:


adding a third level to the fire/frost/lightning specialization perks, which goes to 75% damage increase over the default 50%.

Changed the dual casting damage / cost from 220% / 280% to 250% / 275%

Increased the magicka regen in combat from 33% to 50%.


But these are mostly just increasing the damage from the destruction tree. Most settings are just tweeks to the Creation Kit -> Gameplay -> settings screen.


Things i would like to do but dont know how yet:


Increase destruction damage of expert / master level spells based on player level (Would be nice but not really a big deal to have)

Increase Rune base damage based on Destruction skill level


All help is appreciated as well as suggestions (as this might be released on tesnexus)

Edited by wilson212
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