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Modding an existing player house


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First, forgive me if this question has been asked/answered... I did a couple searches, found nothing. Also.. my first post.. please be gentle.




Ok, I have been messing with CK for a bit, inspired by all of the epic mods out there.. wanted to do my own version of a player home. Nothing against what is out there already, just wanted it MINE..


I decided to just redo/remodel/remake the interior of Honeyside in Riften.. I have not purchased the house yet in game. My question is this: Is it better to leave the existing decorating packages for purchase, even if I replace most/all of what it is included, and reassign it to the xmarker associated with the package, or is it better just to delete them all and have everything I have replaced or added in there without needed upgrade purchases? I honestly have no clue if I will ever put the mod up for others.. for now, it's only for myself. I do want to avoid glitching out the game, and possible future problems if I do eventually release the mod. For instance, if someone has already purchased Honeyside and all available decorating upgrades, and then would use this mod... if I have not assigned any of the furniture/clutter/misc items to the packages, is it going to create havoc inside the home when they install the mod?



Well I hope I wasn't too confusing with my question. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!




Thanks in advance!



Edited by LarianHawke
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Deleting is usually not suggested for changing a player home because you never know if something is quest related or not, what you can do is drag all the items you dont want outside of the building and put them in a room marker so they wont load. then once you have the place cleaned up you can add all your items. i wouldn't worry about adding to the purchase system unless you really want to do it, thats optional for you.




Any item that was inside the house that you can pick up will remain in the original location if you entered the cell once, thats all in the save file. You can reset the interior in the console so the next time you enter items will be where they are supposed to be now. the command should be "resetinterior riftenhoneyside" without quotes.

Edited by jet4571
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Thanks for the quick reply, and after reading I'm pretty sure I understand what you mean.. that does make sense and I wanted to avoid any issues, hence the reason for the post.




One more question though.. is it necessary to make a room marker for each upgrade/deco package or is it going to be ok to shove all the packages into one place? :unsure:

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Does anyone know if this method would apply to the exterior decoration packages as well? For example, the items on the back deck of Honeyside.. barrels, table, tanning rack, etc... is it possible to do the room marker in an exterior cell just up in mid air? o_O
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Ahh ok.. yes shoving then down underground seems a bit more sensible then floating them in a sky-room. Don't mind this noob.. and once again, ty much for the fast reply.
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