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Need some scripting help.


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Hi, my first tread :biggrin:


Anyway i need some help with a script i get an error when i try to save it:

ScriptName aaaskeletdie


short doonce

ref self

ref aaatarget


begin gamemode


if ( doonce == 0 )


set self to GetSelf



set doonce to 1

self.moveTo [aaatarget]



The error is about aaatarget variable, its a global var and i use this script to set it to an object ref:

Scriptname aaaagreengoblin


ref aaatarget


Begin ScriptEffectStart


set GetActionRef to aaatarget


Placeatme AaDeadSkeleton 1 0 1


kill aaatarget





Thanks for any answers // Zzmurf

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Globals can only store floats. They do not work for references, and since you are using placeatme, you don't need to use moveto, so technically, the script on the creature isn't needed. Just make the base creature have a max health of 0, or make a simple script which just kills the creature onload.
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Globals can only store floats. They do not work for references, and since you are using placeatme, you don't need to use moveto, so technically, the script on the creature isn't needed. Just make the base creature have a max health of 0, or make a simple script which just kills the creature onload.


Well the problem is that when im using placeatme the creature doesen't appear at the exact location of the actor that i cast the spell on. And that is what i was trying to accomplish.

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