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NMM UPdate Fail Today


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2 questions


1. Today when i opened NMM i got message abut update failed (that it couldn't get it from the server), 1 thing there doesn't seem to be any new ver out still 0.65.2 & site shows same ver so what up with that?


2. but if there is some update what up with the fail? is it blocked from firewall, like wasn't added when it was installed?




let me be more accurate


it didn't get ver information fro the server


Edit 2:


added to firewall still same issue when i push update button, same message

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if I recall correctly , version 0.65.2 is one from before the server updates a few months ago (though I could be wrong)

if it really is , the server update won't work with this version , as it can't connect to the server . this means you'll need to manually download and install the new version over your current installation

you can find the latest release here https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases

after you install this version , I believe you should be able to update it via the server updates

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if I recall correctly , version 0.65.2 is one from before the server updates a few months ago (though I could be wrong)

if it really is , the server update won't work with this version , as it can't connect to the server . this means you'll need to manually download and install the new version over your current installation

you can find the latest release here https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Nexus-Mod-Manager/releases

after you install this version , I believe you should be able to update it via the server updates



i downloaded from nexus mane site so why does it have old ver there?


awry1 would think that mane site & page there should be newest there


i hope it overwrites, so i don't half to uninstall old one first, u will try it that way

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it's been discussed before plenty of times , but I'll redirect you to a post by Dark0ne that should explain this


that thread should explain the whole thing . if you still aren't sure , check the articles on this site , I believe there was one explaining this , although it was several months ago

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it's been discussed before plenty of times , but I'll redirect you to a post by Dark0ne that should explain this


that thread should explain the whole thing . if you still aren't sure , check the articles on this site , I believe there was one explaining this , although it was several months ago

did it


there is still 1bug i noticed, update warning is bugged few mods are shown that its out of date, but its not, i click on ver number & i go where i got the same ver


is it common bug? & well known?

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it's not necessarily a bug , just an issue with how the system works

I'm not exactly sure how it works and what it checks , but I've heard of such things in the past


the point is that you should manually check when mods are updated (I do this by tracking the mods , and checking my tracking list here from time to time)

if you see that a mod has been updated , consider downloading the new update and installing it (as per the author's instructions , if they say it's safe to do mid playthrough)

don't count on the update warnings in NMM to the point of not checking yourself , and you should be fine

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it's not necessarily a bug , just an issue with how the system works

I'm not exactly sure how it works and what it checks , but I've heard of such things in the past


the point is that you should manually check when mods are updated (I do this by tracking the mods , and checking my tracking list here from time to time)

if you see that a mod has been updated , consider downloading the new update and installing it (as per the author's instructions , if they say it's safe to do mid playthrough)

don't count on the update warnings in NMM to the point of not checking yourself , and you should be fine

oh before (after last post) i had issue with a mod, scrap awrything install, it didn't install the core file, first file first time, had to reinstall it


visible holstered wep mods are bit disappointing, just craft wep look alike & then equip the wep, that's just wrong, i crafted 9mm pistol holster & i had 10mm pistol, so holstered it looked like 9mm, disappointing, no offense to the authors cause they have done hard work, but this are bad in my opinion (not bashing, just saying how i see it), in fallout 3 wep were visible (or was it in N Vegas) so is it hard to replicate what was there? i don't know nothing about creating mods so i am asking, but the wep this mods required seem good, most in the list from here https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31786?tab=description in requirements list, i skipped the star wars storm trooper blaster, that's were i draw the line (no movie guns in game, guns that don't belong there) XD


i haven't seen any visible holstered wep mod that just works, makes all equipped wep visible, also allows equip 2 or 3 wep & visible, i was like that in 1 of previous Fallout games unless i remember the number of wep wrong, maybe it was just 1 wep

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