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cant run any outside mods


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It seems that any mod that is outside of a city causes my game to crash (unicorn cave, build your own home, etc). I dont think I have any other 'outside' mods that would affect those (I am running an upgraded breezehome, proudspire manor, honeyside, heirim hall, an aela mod, apache hair). My other mods seem to be working ok. The game itself is quite a bit crash happy anyway but those mods are a few steps further.


Would an uninstall/reinstall help? The only thing I can think of is I started to update files for a mod giving extra places around falkreath but never finished/got it to work.


Ideas would be helpful.

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Before you do an uninstall validate the games data cache in Steam. right click on Skyrim in the steam library, select properties and it is in the Local Content tab. click the button and the ok yeah yeah just do it bs.. go make a sandwich or something. If it says all files are ok then do a reinstall and eat your sandwich while its doing that.


There is a 255 mod limit that is easy to see if you reach it, but there is also a limit on how many mods you can have because there is a limited amount of memory allocated to mods. If you reach that limit the first thing that happens is random CTD's. So if you have allot of large mods that could also be the problem.

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