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Wrye Bash 2.97 fails on taglist.txt


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Wrye Bash 2.95 was working fine here, until Bethesda's latest update caused it to think Update.esm was "corrupted". Based on forum posts, I found that I needed to update to Wrye Bash 2.97, which I did.


After the upgrade, in which I told the installer to delete old files, it issues an error on startup saying it cannot parse taglist.txt. Here is the debug log:


Wrye Bash starting
Python version: 2.7.3
wxPython version: (msw-unicode)
input encoding: None; output encoding: None; locale: ('en_US', 'cp1252')
Searching for game to manage:
bush   81 detectGames: Detected the following supported games via Windows Registry:
bush   83 detectGames:  oblivion: c:\Users\scott\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion
bush   83 detectGames:  skyrim: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim
bush   95 detectGames: Detecting games via relative path and the -o argument:
bush  101 detectGames:  skyrim: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim
bush  144 setGame: No preferred game specified.
bush  151 setGame:  Using skyrim game: c:\games\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim
bosh 6232 __init__: The BOSS API in BOSS's installation directory (C:\**DNE**) either does not exist, or could not be loaded.
bosh 6233 __init__: Loading the BOSS API shipped with Wrye Bash.
bosh 6245 __init__: Using BOSS API version: 2.0.1
bosh 6297 refresh: An error occured while parsing taglist.txt with the BOSS API.
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "bash\bosh", line 6295, in refresh
 File "bash\bapi", line 378, in Load
 File "bash\bapi", line 226, in BossErrorCheck
BossError: BossError: BOSS_API_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS:Null pointer passed.

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw", line 33, in <module>
 File "bash\bash", line 400, in main
bash.bolt.BoltError: An error occured while parsing taglist.txt with the BOSS API.


I don't know why it is that Python programs tend to issue errors like this without telling you what line in the file it was trying to parse {sigh}. Presumably someone has seen this error before? I tried simply reinstalling Wrye Bash, but it didn't help. Absent a line number for the taglist.txt file, I have no idea where it's finding the error. My taglist.txt file is dated May 31, which is much later than the one from version 2.95, so I am sure I've got the new file.


Any ideas? Thanks!

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