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Shaking NPC's & bugged character creation


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I've been playing Skyrim for a couple of weeks [Legit copy] and I haven't installed any new mods [meaning those I had before - the few - have worked since the beginning and not caused troubles in the past]. Today I was playing like normal, when I saved and logged out in the middle of a cave, when I logged in again my follower was acting strange, shooting arrows at no target and I couldn't get him to stop. All the npc's were shaking (the dead ones from previous) and I couldn't loot any of the new ones. I quit the game, logged in fresh and the same problem occured, only now my character was making strange noises and flapping his arms and I was gliding (W) instead of running, doing backflips (S) instead of back, (A) and (D) made me fly in the air or made the screen flicker. NPC's would attack but would hang suspended in mid air, shaking, unlootable. I tried making a new character and in the intro scene the whole cart was jumping around and so were the npcs, all of them shaking when I got to town, and in character creation mode "who are you" the characters where hunched down and shaking so badly it was hard to see what they looked like. I've tried googling and the only answer I could find was delete everything and start fresh with a new install and or reinstall windows also to be on the safe side. :O There is just no way in H*. So I hope someone can give me a more reasonable answer because I don't want to throw my spent time and character away :(


Kind Regards



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I hope you find a solution because I have the same problem. Yesterday everything was fine until the update and now I can't even start a new game (I removed every single mod including SKSE, no textures, nothing at all just a fresh Skyrim install). I'm fed up.
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