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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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maya covered her nose with her hand "uuhg... what is that smell.... " a thud came from the door... maya walked cerefully towards the window and peered out... "ooh... jacob look toys.... " maya said with an exited smile "biesties for us to play with..."
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Moteem chuckled and with a small whisp of dark energy he appered on the other side of the window. The window behind him was completly intact. As he fell to the ground he rolled colosing in on one of the beasties. With a wistle it came charging towards him. WIth a flack of his wrist a small click sound was heard as a three foot blade extended from his fore arm above his wrist. Ducking under the creature he spun on his heel and drove his vlade through the creatured neck then pulled down wards. WIth a smile he stood looking at the now dead beastie his breath slightly increased "Dang out of practus."
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