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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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"Yes Boss."

i sigh

"shoulda seen that coming. do you know where we can find one? I only know of one, but its my guitar."


i glance out the window.

"is it maya? i only get forced to turned into a wolf when in moonlight."

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"rite" grinns and runns down the corridor..........................


"got it!" dusts what looks like soot of the blueprint "its at the verry edge of town......old crone is too stupid to change the current configurement of the guards....here.. " passes blueprint to jacob..."its there" points in the centre of a large rounded room..."i installed the trapps myself soo it wont be too dificult to get past now that we know....there... there here and uhmmmm there" points to the outer edges of the room " thats where the darts are and around the guitars perimiter is the lazers..." i think thats it considering i havent been there a while"

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