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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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Josh chuckles."Nah. That wouldn't be any fun." Josh's large sword appears in his hands."I was thinking more along the lines of you getting some sleep and letting me handle these guys. It's been awhile since i've had a good fight."
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"hmmmn... well you in luck... i hear some now..." the moment she said it a large blade came flying thrugh the window towards her haid... she doged it but it was so sharp it cut her long white hair short...


OT> kinda like on my sig but only white

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Josh looks at the dog headed beast."Wow your ugly! You know what? I'm going to be nice.I'll let you choose how you want to die. What's it going to be? Burned to a crisp,chopped up into tiny pieces,or get beaten to a pulp. Your choice."
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Josh grabs car'baleth's blade before it hits him and smirks."Bad move dude."He punches car'baleth in the stomach with such force that it knocks him back into the hoard. Josh starts slashing madly at everyone in reach.
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