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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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<chimpanzee enters the room in a business suit and hands me a report>


Excellent, the treasury has increased today by 120%. Keep up the good job, Wally


<chimpanzee goes into a room where its the same as the Wall Street stock exchange room but its filled with monkeys instead of people>


ROFLMAO they probably do a better job too then those idiots on wall street,Boss

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Cool, if only this was HL2. Then I would just need to give you a medkit and it would miracoulously knit broken bones and cure cancer :biggrin: Oh and I dont like needles, so if you need some medication or vaccines or what not it shall be in tablet form. Hmm dried frog pills perhaps... oh and if you need me just press E, that should make you yell "MEDIC!" or something. Oh and I shall go to sleep now, 12 AM and I need to go back to school in a few days.. bye bye, if you get hurt while I'm gone take one of the elephant tranquilisers that I shall leave on my desk ;). Adios.
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OT>i dont mean to sound like a total attention w***e but....


[still on the couch,unconscious and half dead]


OT>...and simple magic can't heal me,be creative.Think of my planet

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The new guy is in charge of medical science and soldier health



OT>hmm, I dont supposeno one has read up on the Witchblade, the Angelus, and the Darkness have they or am I still the only one here who truly knows about them?

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