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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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remember, we're in a recession, so we have to keep costs down. no moon base. we buy the crony body armour from war surplus, no more custom costumes! We may have to ditch the sharks with wings, as they are a nightmare to keep in both food and habitat...... i mean, thet're either drowning or not drowning enough for cripes sake! See what we can get in the way of evil devices from ebay, they're good for evil, i got my cape there.


phew! I'm glad someone else offered to be an accountant. I burn through evil dollars at a rate of knots.....

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Femme fatale, simpering cronies, popcorn vendors... meh... your sinister plan requires a good accountant. How're you gonna' finance a good, hidden, underwater or underground base, or even a decent doomsday machine, without someone to manage the books? It's not like you can use Quicken to handle laundering funds through shell companies to finance purchase of components for a giant heat-ray, or whatever...



ummm, if your handleing the funds...we're partners right! :biggrin:


As long as you keep your cyanide out of my martinis, kiddo'.

Meyer Lansky was the bookman for Lucky Luciano's gang, and the only one of 'em to die of old age.

Let's hear it for the accountant!

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Hey, I'm just the accountant, not the figurehead of this operation. My only order would be not to threaten Switzerland, Lichtenstein, or the Cayman Islands (not at first, anyways... we'll need to use their banking systems for a while until we can get the heat-ray up & running).


So, boss? We need to talk about the henchmen's 401k fund...

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CANDY!!!.....what a minute. is this evil candy or good candy cause i hate good candy. that gives me an idea. an EVIL CANDY STORE

Arsenic laced sweets?

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i like the sound of a henchman fund........ do we have to make regular payments?

I thing we should try to take over a country with no history of militiarism...... something small, with friendly locals..... and an easy to build on volcano?


Fiji? I heard they welcome tourism for purposes of global evil.... and land values there are good.


Someone on ebay's selling a 'megadeath' ray. Do we want to bid?

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