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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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we're not?oh that's right i forgot.ever since i ate that demon i've been forgetting things.as for who he is.that's for me to know and for him to tell you.

OT.me and him are related.

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<over by themselves talking to each other secretly>


Lily: Sia...Ive only sang that song once...last time it seemed to be hurt Garrett but raise his power permanently


Sia: I know...I tired of seeing him sacrifice himself and everyone save him or saving his soul...think about it Lily..It you finish singing this song with Dez and I he will be even more powerful than he is now....Think about your children.


Lily: ......


OT> Been logged on but I had to take care of some business...going to make a new topic soon but I still need time...no one should be disappointed with it

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Lily: So....Sia..You knew the original Garrett before me?


Sia: Yes and No


Lily: ehh?


Sia: When he was physically 16 he went off to fight a war


Lily: I remember that..we were just friends back then


Sia: Right...The fighting was intense and I challenged him to a fight


Lily: He was one of the best swordsman at the time...but I remember hearing about you were better.

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Lily: ...Josh, you were never kicked out of the family


<perun and minerva talking to each other secretly>


Minerva: Perun...the effect of that song will cause him to permanently fuze back together.


Perun: yes and the prophecy where one shall rule with three at his side will come true


<minerva holds out a transparent shard>


Minerva: At least I have the originals mind right here...that no one will be able to use


Perun: Good thing you have that..otherwise he might want to kill us to make his rule supreme.


<puts shard away>

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