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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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Haha! Sucker!

*Grabs Jntk and shadow warps to a room full of different people in pods*

*Pushs Jntk in to one*

*Closes lid*





You lost Aaron.

I have most control now!

You shall sleep for an eternity now!

Now for Josh...

*Shadows warps back*

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*pod explodes*


close range Blast Seals hurt like hell

good thing i set one on myself when Aaron appeared.

as if i would fall for something like that.

*chest heals*



that male without a father

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A chamber has broken.

I still have his DNA luckily.

*Holds a tube*

I am glad I put that needle in there...


Please stop!



I will do this with or without you!

I will become mightier than all of that stupid team put together!

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*Shadow Warps away from Jntk and to Josh*

*Stabs Josh with syringe and takes some DNA*


I have all the things I need!


You can't do this!

You know it can destroy the universe if it is let loose and opened!


Shut up!

Its about time I got rid of you for good!

*Opens chest up*

Ah, there is your part...

*Rips out part of my heart*

*Mashes heart up*

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<in the main room>


Why do I feel like this so suddenly...like I am at peace with myself.


<Lily begins to sing>



OT> I remembered a beautiful song sung by Isobel Cooper...yes I do listen to a lot of music and I remember this song from a game.

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