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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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Sia: Why are you tired?


Too...many pull-ups


Lily: It might be also because of that 100000 mile run we made him do.


How is making me exercise that much a birthday present...why cant I have a real birthday present?


Lily: Maybe Dez will come up with an even better exercise for him to do.


Sia: Yeah maybe.

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i say the end of the world should be full of blood, fire and screeming for dagon to have his fun but after that

it should end up like paradise like what menunes camrone wanted it to be. i think that would be brilliant and also

so the game does not get boring at the end [what it always does] you could make the armys from the ayleids rise again from

acavere [sorry cant spell it]. now that woll be BRILLIANT!!!!!



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