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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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Haha! How wrong you are. You are a brazen youth with less understanding of what you call magic than my stallion did. You can use this so called magic it appears, but you dont understand it. Magic is made up of Stuff. Think of the smallest thing you can then split that into eight and each of those eighths are still mammoths compared to what Stuff is. I havnt bothered to give Stuff a name yet but believe me, it is everywhere. You can do Tricks with stuff by manipulating it. Only when you understand Stuff can you ever be truly powerful.


Nakor: Oh and XanAlderon, want to see a Trick?

XanAlderon: Ok!

*Rifts XanAlderon into the middle of a goblin orgy*

Nakor: THAT is a Trick.

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