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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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<holds Dez>


No other have I loved more and there will be no other for I have you.


OT> Thank you Dez


OT2> Its also getting very cold over here


OT3> the best thing about living up in a high altitude is that when a person goes back to the states they will be better at Physical Fitness because of living more than a year breathing thin air while exercising...helps the body work more :thumbsup:

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Im so tired my love...after giving you more than half of my power



OT> thats what happens when you have been over here for 7-8 months and have had 4 friends die


OT2> in a couple of weeks i wont be on for a couple of days because I will trying to get back to the states for mid tour leave


OT3>I will get on as soon as possible though


OT4> mmmm, That sounds like a good idea, Dez

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Yes, let us sleep now...you are the only one whose arms I want to be held by.


<teleports to bedroom>


OT> I dont have heat...its cold outside and I just found out my air conditioner is on!!!

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