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Ending or taking over the World

Necromancer G

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(jay)the wha?"soldiers start turning into wolves"that's why you stabed jacob isn't it?


(jay)"sigh"alright fine your free to go.

(josh)good."walks past jacob"he's all yours.

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I have to use it....


<four split from me...each different from one another>


We must enlighten them to work together again.


Famine: I shall starve them if they dont become a team again.


Pestilence: Maybe some diseases will bring them together


War: I should cause a war so they can fight as a team.


Death: I can always kill Jay for his sins.


...right, dont hurt my team...that includes Josh...now go my four horsemen

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<four horsemen descend>


Time to pay for your sins Jay


Pestilence: Have all the disease known and unknown to man


<sprays dust onto Jay>


Famine: Feel weak from starvation.


<flys past Jay making him skin and bones>


War: Feel the pain of the dead.


<Sets area around Jay on fir, trapping him>




<flashs a light in Jay and evaporates him>

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