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broken quest


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In the Companions' radiant quest Dragon Seekers, I'm supposed to kill a dragon with Vilkas at Mount Anthor. However, I already killed that dragon, earlier in the game... so when I return to Mount Anthor with Vilkas, there is no dragon. And since I can't finish the quest, I can't dismiss Vilkas (there is no option in my conversation with him) and use my normal follower instead. When I try to get another follower, they simply say that I already have one.


How can I get my normal follower back? I can't kill Vilkas, and I don't have a recent save game from before the quest started.




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yeah, the dragon seeker quests are a crap shoot for that very reason. I always make a save just before taking one so if it's an unfinishable one (previously killed dragon) I can go back and try and get another. (Can't remember if you have to exit the cell first, to reset.)


Anyways, I believe you can use the following console command:


set playerfollowercount to 0


to reset your follower count to zero so you can recruit your preferred companion again.


I imagine you've used console before, but if not just hit the tilde key ~ in game to get into console, type that exact line (spaces too) and hit return.


EDIT: a better way might be as described in the skyrim wiki


use the console command:


setstage CR14 100


which should mark the quest as completed http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dragon_Seekers



the other wiki is a bit more confusing - not clear whether to use 100 or 200 or to use:


resetquest CR14




Or, maybe it's just me that's confused, it's way past my nap time! :tongue:

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