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Any Idea where the Manufacturing Recipes are stored?


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I have been trying to work on a mod that lets people creating even more objects than the base game and Manufacturing Extended allows, but I can't seem to find where the recipes for the respective Builders are. Any help would be appreciated!

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I believe the recipe info you're looking for are properties on the "DLC05:WorkshopBuilderScript" script for the container that would built it. So for example ammunition.


The container that builds is DLC05WorkshopBuilderAmmo01 "Ammunition Plant". The recipes for the ammunition a combination of a bunch of properties.


Then have terminal record that gives you the list of recipes to build. The ones related to my example builder is DLC05nativeWorkshopBuilderAmmo01Terminal > DLC05nativeWorkshopBuilderAmmo01TerminalSubMenu


It's not designed to be added to. You could create override records and add a recipe to an existing builder. But it would probably be better to make the DLCworkshop02.esm a master and then just make your own builder item with your own recipes.

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