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Weapon Sheath Question.

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Hi, what part of a nif file of a weapon keeps the scabbard part of the file in place? Whats the difference between the model for the scabbard and the model for the weapon other than having Scb for it's string name? I've tryied renaming the dagger to Scb too to see if it would follow but no such luck.


What I hope to do is create a weapon which is attached to both the left and right forearm twist.


Any help please? Thanks.

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The name scb determines if it moves or not with the weapon. However, you may only have 1 object called scb under the main node, so if you rename your dagger scb in addition to the original scabbard, it would not work properly. There's an easy solution to this. Simply make another Bsfade node under the main node and name it scb, then copy and paste any scabbard trishapes into this new scb node. This is useful if your scabbard has separate parts, but isn't necessary if you only have one nitrishape called scb.
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The name scb determines if it moves or not with the weapon. However, you may only have 1 object called scb under the main node, so if you rename your dagger scb in addition to the original scabbard, it would not work properly. There's an easy solution to this. Simply make another Bsfade node under the main node and name it scb, then copy and paste any scabbard trishapes into this new scb node. This is useful if your scabbard has separate parts, but isn't necessary if you only have one nitrishape called scb.


Would there be any way to change the position of the scabbard? To have the weapon attached to 1 wrist while the scabbard to the other? If not then is there any way of having 2 NiStringExtraData nodes in the same nif file to tell two NiTriShapes to attach too two different bones?

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wrist? The weapon itself needs to have the grip at 0,0,0 to have the hand grip there. The scabbard will match the weapon position so that it looks sheathed, but will not move with the weapon when you draw it. If however you want the scabbard to attach to some other bone instead of the scabbard waist bone, then that's more of an animation issue where you'd need to tweak the bones themselves.
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