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Animationproblem in mountedcombat


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Hey all!

I have got a strange problem with mountedcombatanimations.

I uninstalled all customskeletons and some of the animations work now, but not all :(


A little description:

Sometimes (not always) when drawing a weapon while riding, my character doesn´t play the animation, but has the weapon in his hands at once!

Same thing when readying an arrow for the bow.

And after some fighting on horseback, my character starts STANDING on the horseback, like he was acting a kind of... star... It looks like a kind of defaultidle animation, that plays when it doesn´t find the real animation...


Does anyone know what else than customskeletons can cause animationproblems?







EDIT: I found the problem! Behaviorfiles! I guess the mods that use behaviorfiles need to be updated.

Edited by Carimya
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