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REQ: Dwemer Centurion Sphere


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Hello all.


I'll get the point first, then tell you why this is very important second.


Request for a Dwemer Centurion Sphere


I would like to ask if there is a modeler out there willing to make the objects below for me, these must be working objects, eg with a working skeleton, moving parts etc. I will find or create any sounds needed for them and add them to the game in a usable format for any modder to use in their work.


What I need in priority order is.

Centurion Sphere (Priority: This is what I need)

Steam Centurion (Wishing and hoping: This is what I would also want in a perfect world with the wind blowing the in right direction)


Heres the info on them



Why do I need them:


I am making a resource pack and filling it with useful modders resources and lore based armour and stuff that will act as a stand alone resource pack any noobie can use. That means thousands of new modders will get easy access to a resource pack that doesnt force anything on you but the resources them selves.


Now I have gone to a great deal of trouble to find Dwemer resources and have added a lot already to the pack, I have emails or pms out to Liquidgraph (his licence requires me to ask given what im doing) and Phitt (whos still making some stuff i need) asking if i can use their stuff in this resource pack.


IF they say yes, this resource pack will contain enough Dwemer resources so that oblivion mod makers can recreate the morrowind dwemer ruins and take them much further. But the permissions and those machines above are whats missing. So if anybody can help make them, please post below or pm me here.





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