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What combination of mods would create the best looking Skyrim, PERIOD?


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So yeah, just upgraded to a hell of a rig, and was wondering just what combination of mods would create the most insane, detailed, clear looking Skyrim as possible? I don't mean fancy saturated colours to give the illusion of a better looking game, I mean pure pixel pushing, and since there's so many mods out there, I have no idea where to start. I've managed to put together a list, wondering if you could help me with that list to see if there's even more I could add to create more eye candy.



Realistic Lighting Mod:

Realistic Colors and Real Nights:

Static Mesh Improvement:

Quality World Map:

Lighted Spell Effects:

Shadow Striping Fix:

Lush Trees & Lush Grass:

Skyrim Flora Overhaul:

That's Ice:

Better Dynamic Snow:

Skyrim HD


Character Enhancer:

Silly Levels of Detail - P&P + WC


Skyrim HD will be my base and I'll do a couple of .ini tweaks to maximise draw distance / shadows, and then I'll bolt the rest on. Any advice / recommendations? Thanks in advance, I look forward to playing a truly gorgeous looking Skyrim.

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