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Center on Cell - Is There an Issue?


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I can manually arrive at this cell just fine with the console code. In the script, however, it just fails and leaves me at my original location when casting.


Scriptname Astral_AutoHypnosis extends activemagiceffect  

Cell Property MindMansion Auto
ImageSpaceModifier Property akISM auto
Cell Property OriginalCell Auto
Spell Property AutoHypSpell Auto
Actor PlayerRef
Float OriginalLocationX
Float OriginalLocationY
Float OriginalLocationZ
Float OriginalAngleX
Float OriginalAngleY
Float OriginalAngleZ
Float OriHealth
Float OriMagicka
Float OriStamina

Event OnEffectStart(actor akTarget, actor akCaster)
 PlayerRef = akCaster
 OriHealth = PlayerRef.getavpercentage("health")
 OriMagicka = PlayerRef.getavpercentage("magicka")
 OriStamina = PlayerRef.getavpercentage("stamina")
 OriginalCell = GetTargetActor().GetParentCell()
 OriginalLocationX = GetTargetActor().GetPositionX()
 OriginalLocationY = GetTargetActor().GetPositionY()
 OriginalLocationZ = GetTargetActor().GetPositionZ()
 OriginalAngleX = GetTargetActor().GetAngleX()
 OriginalAngleY = GetTargetActor().GetAngleY()
 OriginalAngleZ = GetTargetActor().GetAngleZ()
 debug.MessageBox("The chair before you calls to you.")

Event OnEffectFinish(actor akTarget, actor akCaster)
 akCaster.SetPosition(OriginalLocationX, OriginalLocationY, OriginalLocationZ)
 akCaster.SetAngle(OriginalAngleX, OriginalAngleY, OriginalAngleZ)
 PlayerRef.restoreav("health", 10000)
 float fullHealth = PlayerRef.getav("health")
 PlayerRef.damageav("health", fullhealth*(1-OriHealth))
 PlayerRef.restoreav("stamina", 10000)
 float fullStamina = PlayerRef.getav("stamina")
 PlayerRef.damageav("stamina", fullStamina*(1-OriStamina))
 PlayerRef.restoreav("magicka", 10000)
 float fullMagicka = PlayerRef.getav("magicka")
 PlayerRef.damageav("magicka", fullMagicka*(1-OriMagicka))

Event OnSit(ObjectReference akFurniture)
 Debug.MessageBox("Sitting here, you suddenly feel a shift within your soul. Somehow, you know that when you rise, you will return to the outside world... regardless of whether or not you are ready for it.")

Event OnGetUp(ObjectReference akFurniture)

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This line isn't supposed to read this way is it?




I would expect that "debug" would turn whatever follows it into text rather than executable code.


I haven't tested this syntax, but maybe it would work to do something like:


Edited by David Brasher
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I'm purely following how it's supposed to work in the Wiki (which has been known to be wrong.)


The problem with the MarkerHeading is that I can get it to work just fine for moving to a static point, but at the end of the spell, you're supposed to be transported back to where you originally cast it - I can't figure out how to make that work with a MarkerHeading.


By the way, I used some of your tutorials when I was starting out - thanks.

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According to the wiki, COC is for debugging purposes only, not a good idea to use it in a mod.


When the spell is first cast, place an xmarker reference at yourself, then when you want to transport back, just place yourself at that xmarker:


ObjectReference home = Game.GetPlayer().PlaceAtMe(XMarker) ; place a marker at the player


Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(home) ; move the player back to the marker


Plus at the beginning of your script you will need to add a property for the marker:


ObjectReference Property XMarker auto

Edited by steve40
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