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Keisear's Texturing Videos


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Keisear's Sword Texturing


Hello everyone, i've started a series over at youtube called "Sword Texturing". In this series I will show you the process of how I textured a blade for my upcoming mod "Keisear's Blades". From the bottom of the pommel to the tip of the blade. In episode one I'm going through the process of texturing the pommel of the sword, all my videos will be in HD so it's easier to see what im doing.


Episode 1


The time I used on the pommel was about half an hour, had to cap the video at 10 min. So the video is sped up by 350%. Even though its speed is heavily altered the video is easy to follow, and because of the high quality, it wont be hard to see what I was aiming for in terms of looks. After im done with this series i will post a video reviewing the sword and giving tips on different parts of the development process.


Feedback and Suggestions

Ok, I want your help to make this as good a series as possible. First of all, music. What kind of music do you prefer? This time i used a D&B mix, since thats what I like.

Should i make each video slower, meaning that I would have to cut the episodes into parts? Right now hearing my voice wont be an option, but you'll get to hear it in the review episode, if I get that far ;) If there is anything else you have to suggest, go ahead :D


Lastly, if you think this seems promising give me a like and subscribe! Thank you for your time :)


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