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Color item names in vendors shops


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I'm trying to figure out how I would be to make items you own already have it different name color when in the vendor's shop. I'm thinking about wanting to try and make spell tomes change colors if you already know them and maybe a few other useful changes.


Any idea?

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if it were so simple it would have been done already. I encourage you to get it though, but I'm sure it won't be easy.


You most likely have to modify something in the UI. Even then, how do you single out the specific items inside the UI code?

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The text color is controlled by the UI which is shockwave flash + actionscript 2.


You can change the text colors in a general manner, but I don't think you would be able to change the text just for specific items, as there's no way for the actionscript to interface with papyrus/CK afaik.


For my EZ2C Dialogue Menu mod I went through the process of decompiling the swf file, editing the dialogue menu and its action scripts to change the text colors, recompiling, testing. Took almost a month to get done, and that was just one page of the whole interface.

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