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Help making a lighthouse light


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I need help getting started making a Kingsport Lighthouse light. I would like to make a rotating very bright light appropriate for a lighthouse (frames per second be damned). I think I need:

- A model with light emitting nodes and rotating animate. The SOE has something very similar already so I can start with a rotating object.

- Nifskope or whatever the new thing is to add light emission. I do not know how to do that.

- Add a holotape to the user inventory once on startup that would turn it on.

- A script to be called by the holotape which would place a light at the desired location (one time only) and turn it on (enable?).


Please let me know what I missed. If anyone could point me to Nifskope editing tutorials for making such a light that would be great. Also any explanation on how to make a holotape that would drive a script. This isn't my first Bethesda mod, but I've never modified a NIF object except to reskin. Links to any tutorials appropriate to this kind of work would be appreciated.



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