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Editing NPCs


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Hello, I'm not very good at modding, and I need a little help.


I wanted my character to marry Kharjo ingame, but of course I can't, because he is a Khjiit. So I'm trying to get another NPC to look like him.


I've changed the NPCs race to Khajiit and used the CTRL + F4 command to copy the face data of Kharjo giving me this Facetint:




However it doesn't seem to give all of the face tints. If you look at this picture of Kharjo you can see that he has a white chin with a black triangle at the bottom of his lip. The other NPC does not have those markings:








Also the other NPC is the wrong colour, I set his colouration to grey but his basic skin tone looks brownish.


Can anybody give me some pointers?

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Well, I don't know anything about modding, but I can say that the Ultimate Follower Overhaul marks all followers for marriage. Maybe if you add that mods you could marry him without having to mod it yourself.
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Thank you both.


I couldn't get UFO to work unfortunately, I guess there is a mod conflict somewhere.

I tried the Khajiit Marriage Mod, that actually works, but there is a bug which effects the speech of almost all NPCs.


Maybe I can find a way to fix the second mod.


I made a thread about it in the Mod Talk section, had I known somebody posted that mod in this thread I would have stuck with this one. :P



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