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the blood pit


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hey everyone, im working on a mod that would add a sparticus inspired underground fighting arena to solitude, unfortunatley i have run into a major hurdle, i cant seem to write a script that would ensure that the player is wearing the proper raiment which isnt all that surprising since im terrible at scripting, i assume it would involve a bool function but i cant put anything together that even looks like it should work, any ideas?
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I think you just need to write a condition in the event




Armor property myCuirass auto

Armor property myHelmet auto

Armor property myGloves auto

Armor property myBoots auto

Event SomeEvent
      if (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(myCuirass))  && (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(myHelmet)) && (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(myGloves)) && (Game.GetPlayer().IsEquipped(myBoots))
           Do something


Or you can write a HasKeyword condition in the same way. Just create a new Keyword and assign it to your gear.

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