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SuperB ENB-RL Issues


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I run a high end rig, consisting of the m18x, AMD 6990's w/crossfire disabled, quad 4 processor etc...


To the point, I'm using SuperB ENB-RL with Superl's ini settings and getting some issues with everything being really bright and the sky being white at certain points.

I've tried everything listed in troubleshooting but not much improvement.

I will add, however, that the original Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini made everything even worse. The sky was literally white as snow and everything was brighter from the sun rays.

Please help!!!


I can email anyone photos of the screen if they feel that will help.

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Have you tried using the Imaginator to turn down sunlight? I was having that problem with another shading mod, and that resolved it for me. Additionally, are you running any other shaders/light mods with it? If so, you might want to pull those and see if that resolves the issue.
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If you didn't change bFloatPointRenderTarget to 1 in your SkyrimPrefs ini everything will be much too bright. Sounds like that is what the problem is so check that first. Edited by Staind716
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