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ini tweaks for bullets going further


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Not sure if this belongs here (sorry, new to this forum)


I have been tweaking my ini for this game for quite a bit now, and have gotten very good draw distances (trying to make them good for a sniper build). I noticed though that my bullets aren't allows traveling those long distances. They are disappearing partway there. I'm sure there are things you can do with the ini (like load/draw distances and what not) that would fix this, but I do not know what they would be. Some people have said that it's the problem of not having the ugrids loaded, because if you try shooting into one that your game hasn't loaded up, it will never make it...but these are grids that I know are loaded (there are actors, objects, and buildings in there). I can barely see the actors (its pretty far away), but they are definitely there, and when I try to snipe them, my bullet never makes it all the way there, so I was just wondering if there is a line in the ini that I could alter that would increase the distance at which my bullets will be loaded into the game

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My mod has a feature that adds this, makes *all* projectiles visible, have proper drop with gravity, time to hit, travel wayy further before disappearing, etc.


Thanks. there seems to be quite a bit of other stuff that comes with this mod that I would also like. Thanks for providing this. Only one question, the realistic drop of the bullet isn't too much, is it? I usually use a fully modded sniper rifle, gobi sniper, or anti-material rifle for snipping very long distances and I enjoy the bullets not dropping at all. I just want to make sure that the difference isnt too drastic

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