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Way to up scale a weapon without affecting iron sights?


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I have a mod that doesn't appear to be on the nexus anymore but it is ahztek's weapon overhaul. in this mod is a Mk23 SOCOM pistol. Love the pistol I am a MGS fan, and anyone else who is a MGS fan probably loves it to. My problem is the gun is relatively small in game. (little smaller then a M1911 while in reality they are closer to a Desert Eagle). I figured I could use NifSkope to scale the gun up and make it larger, but I assume that would affect the ironsights lining up probably and I have no idea how I would go about fixing that.



So Any ideas? Thanks.



Also anyone know why DreadWolf and Ahztek were banned? Just looked it and and found why i can't find there awesome mods, they were banned! o_O I can't seem to find the reason why, does anyone know? Oh and anyone know a place to still get there mods? google failed me :/

Edited by leot486
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