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Made to order


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I'm new to modding. Done some basic stuff, player house, put in a couple NPC's, changed around their inventory, that kind of thing. What I want to do is make it so I can have a few NPCs in my player house that I can go up to and have them make me armor or weapons from a blacksmith, give items to another NPC and have them put on the enchantment I want, have another NPC make potions or poisons. And all my character has to do is give them the right materials - ingots and leather for armor, armor and soul gems for enchanting, and ingredients for potions/poisons. I've seen someone do something similar, on a much smaller scale but the mod is old and I can't get in touch with them to talk to them about it.


I really want to do this myself but Papyrus is giving me some trouble, I know how to code so that much isn't new to me but trying to piece together things together from wiki's and turtorials isn't exactly easy. I want this for myself.


If anyone is willing to help me with it, they can publish it, just give me a nod as having had a hand in it.

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