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Multiple "AmmoCapacity" multipliers


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so I've been using fo4edit for a while to modify some mod weapons, and stumbled upon a problem regarding use of multiple parts to modify a single value

in this case i made the "Bullpup Bozar" ( https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28478?tab=description ) have built-in ammo conversion, in this case .308 for semi-auto and 5.56mm for auto receivers.
then to make them viable and "more realistic" i tried making the AmmoCapacity change according to receiver, so Semi would be like 6, 10, 20 .308 bullets and Auto 24, 40, 80 5.56mm bullets (Basicaly 4x)
but i can make the receivers change the amount of ammo individually.

i tried making all Auto receivers have 4x ammo first, didn't work, and then all Semi receivers have 1/4, also didn't work, and don't know what else i could do for this to work

i don't even know if this is possible but i'm going with the assumption that if, lets say, both a barrel and a stock can increase accuracy by 10% each of 100 base to 120 which means both 10% applied, them ammo should do the same.

if that's not how that works and there's no way to do so then well... i tried i guess

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Duh, I think I'm completely off base here



It looks like that gun mod has magazine mods. Meaning different magazines have different ammo capacities. I'd poke around the magazine mod forms and most likely get your answer in there. Just make a couple different magazines that have the capacity you want and just go to town.

Edited by markyrocks
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Duh, I think I'm completely off base here



It looks like that gun mod has magazine mods. Meaning different magazines have different ammo capacities. I'd poke around the magazine mod forms and most likely get your answer in there. Just make a couple different magazines that have the capacity you want and just go to town.


yeah, that's what i'm doing right now as a temporary "fix" for my problem, but just letting things half assed like this isn't good, actually it's frustrating not being able to solve something so simple looking.

but i am just testing anyway, i have no intention of uploading any of this since by the amount of people who would be interested in such a complicating useless mod is probably very low.


if there's really no easy way (possible through FO4Edit, CreationKit, Pex which are the ones i have used) then i'm not taking this any further :\

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The simplest to get a grasp on the properties to add to an OMOD for ammo change would be looking at the extended magazines or the drum magazines.


There's 2 methods for adding ammo. Multiply+Add, and just Add. The Multiply+Add is simplest for taking whatever your current amount is and manipulating a percentage. Such as just straight doubling, tripling, etc. The Add just adds a static number of ammo cartridges to the magazine size.



mod_PipeGun_Mag_ExtraLarge (drum)



Pay attention to the AmmoCapacity property. You'll need to play with the numbers to understand how they interact.
Edit: Keep in mind perks may also affect the values.
Edited by BigAndFlabby
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The simplest to get a grasp on the properties to add to an OMOD for ammo change would be looking at the extended magazines or the drum magazines.


There's 2 methods for adding ammo. Multiply+Add, and just Add. The Multiply+Add is simplest for taking whatever your current amount is and manipulating a percentage. Such as just straight doubling, tripling, etc. The Add just adds a static number of ammo cartridges to the magazine size.



mod_PipeGun_Mag_ExtraLarge (drum)



Pay attention to the AmmoCapacity property. You'll need to play with the numbers to understand how they interact.
Edit: Keep in mind perks may also affect the values.


i don't know if this is what you meant but i was able to (using CreationKit) Duplicate a Modlist, in this case Receivers... Auto, and by changing the target of the duplicate modlist to weapon, add the AmmoCapacity property modifier and then finally adding in the 4x multiplier ( MUL+ADD , 3 )

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