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quest script to monitor draugr death


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That's great news. I'm surprised that OnDeath works though.


And...I think I might have figured out how to make this work if it extends ObjectReference (it compiles):


1) Attach this to the Draugr alias


Scriptname aaaTest extends ObjectReference

Quest Property OwningQuest auto

Event OnDeath(Actor akKiller) 
     ; increment dead count 
    (OwningQuest as DKHODfightscript).IncrementDeadDraugr() 


2) In the scripts box, select the script and click the grey Properties button. In the dialogue that pops up, select OwningQuest and in the "Pick Object" drop-down, select your quest. Then Click OK. Done :biggrin:


Edit: It's late, so I'm to retire for tonight.

Edited by steve40
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well goodnight. thank you for the help. what i have right now perfectly works the way i wanted it to, smooth transition, bodies dead, moving onto next quest. like clock work. in the future with different scenarios i may play around with it more. Now that i have it working, im on a timeline and have to move onto the next step. thank you again :)
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