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Minor trouble generating LOD

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I am having trouble generating LOD and getting my world map to appear for my custom world space.


It's been a while since I've modded Fallout 4, however, I've successfully imported a heightmap, generated LOD, and my custom world map appeared in the Pip-Boy. Only trouble, I forgot how I did it.

If only I had thought to write it down... I want to figure it out again. And this time I want to make a public guide for anyone else who wants to know how to do this.

Here is what I have been doing...Apparently it's wrong though...

1) Create a new world space
- Parent: NONE
- Climate: DefaultClimate

- Cell Coordinates: -8, 8, -8, 8

- Small World: Uncheck

- Map Image: WorldName_d.dds (Image is exported as DTX1, no alpha)

2) Import a height map
- Navigate to World / Height map Import:

- Cell Coords: -8, -8, 8, 8 (Yes, the order is different than in World Spaces)
- Max Height: 8192

- Successfully import Heightmap



- ModName.esp


4) Load my world in the render window

- View cells, observe how my world looks

- Name a cell, so that I can "coc cellname"

- In named cell, add a coc marker and some random objects.




6) Generate LOD

- Navigate to World / World LOD:

- Clear cashe

- Generate: Terrain Meshes

- Generate: Diffuse and Normal maps

- Generate: Static meshes, with Specular, Tree Flats

(Do not save after generating LOD)


7) Open Elric tool

- /Steam/steamapps/common/Fallout4/Tools/Elric:

- Run Elric as Admin

- Output: Fallout 4/Data/Textures/Terrain:

- Convert: common/Source/Terrain:


8 Make sure everything is in the right folder

- World map is in /data/textures/interface/pip-boy/
- LOD is in the newly created /data/textures/terrain/WorldName



What am I doing wrong? The only thing I have success with is importing a height map.


I've done this right a while back. I had a custom world space about a year ago. It had LOD and a custom world map. I had a process similar to this.

Edited by Guest
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