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Sneak Magic Damage Multiplier Mod?


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Hello, I recall using a mod that gave extra damage to magic attacks while sneaking. I'm just having problems finding it.

I can swear it was in either OOO mod or the unofficial patch, but I have both installed and I don't get the multiplier damage message. I'm thinking it could be bugged or I've done something wrong.


Anyone know what it could be?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm looking for a mod that just adds sneak attack damage to magic attacks while sneaking. Any of those around?



You mean like "ONLY Magic Sneak attack"? Never saw one untill now. I highly recommend using Supreme Magicka Update. That will also give you the Magic Sneak attack and even tweak the spells in general. It even gives you different Magic mulipliers depending on sneak skill. If you don't like specific settings, you easily can change or maybe disable them with the SupremeMagicka.ini which comes in that dl.

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Yeah, i want a mod that only adds a sneak attack to magic damage. I already use OOO and Midas Magic, so I don't really want another mod that will affect the way magic works. Do you know if Supreme Magicka will allow me to turn off the other changes? I'm at work now, so I can't DL the file and try it out. Hoping to get this figured out by the end of the day, thanks.
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I think that you can deactivate almost all features via the ini file like I mentioned before, but I have to check that at home(yes, I'm at work too^^). I can tell you later once I checked that.


But I think that Supreme Magicka Update is your only possibility to add that damage muliplier you want for magic while sneaking

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