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Manufacture distance


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Machine translation, so sorry ... The problem is this - I can build auto ammo crafting, but it stops if you move away from the settlement, when you come closer again it works. Have ideas how to fix this? I'm not bad at modding, and I understand that it is possible to fix this with scripts, remembering the variables of the containers of the beginning and the end of the conveyor, then just remove components and add items. But I think I'll go through the pass the game faster than do it!) Is there a simpler and faster way?


P.S. Sorry for the duplicate, I did not immediately find this section. Here my question is more appropriate...

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Ummm... it sounds like you almost answered your own question. If it was me I'd start with a quest. Setup a global variable for the count. Hook the quest up so that it has 2 stages. Basically on or off. When the manufacturing process is started quest moves to on. Have somewhat of an accurate timer that corresponds to the time it takes to make one object. So when the timer starts everytime it resets it adds one to the counter. Probably want to do some kinda comparison to the container that is the target of the manufactured object so that if the container is loaded and still actually getting new objects added so that they dont double up if the cell is loaded. Then when you come back in the area it just compares the original number in the container to the global count does some simple math and then just adds in the difference. It seems doable.


Someone will probably come by with a better idea.

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Ok I think I finde the way how fix it! If I right Bethesda did it on purpose! In vanilla script "WorkshopBuilderScript" you can find these strings:



Event OnUnload()
debug.trace(self + " OnUnload")
if Is3DLoaded() && CanBuildItem()
bool bCanBuild = Is3DLoaded() ; don't build if unloaded
if Is3DLoaded()
If I right when you edit it manufacture will not stop if you move away from the settlement. If it is true need just use "Archive2.exe" and replace script in "DLCworkshop02 - Main.ba2".
But I have a new problem... When I edited that strings in "WorkshopBuilderScript.psc" I could not compile it to "WorkshopBuilderScript.pex" it failed. Last time I modded Fallout 3 and dont know what is Papyrus... Сan someone do this and explain what my mistake is?
Edited by 88man88
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I could be completely wrong but when something unloads it stops existing. So unless the functionality was built in to save the fact that it was running and continue to simulate in the background its going to stop producing. I wouldn't recommend editing the vanilla scripts especially if you don't know what you're doing. Most likely in your attempt to fix this you're probably going to break numerous other things. Besides that noone is going to want a mod that overwrites a main file like that.
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