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Sword of The Rivan Kin + Chtrek Goru


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The Sword of the Rivan King:

I know a mod was created for Oblivion that was called Sword of the Rivan King and though it had the "blue flame" effect it unfortunatley didn't really portray what the Rivan Sword should have looked like (no offense to the mod author intended)

The sword is supposed to look a little rough and utilitarian, being forged on a mountain top, with the most basic of tools, from meteoric metal. It would also need a large uneven "stone" on the pommel

I imagine it would something like these, but of course with the blue flame and larger pommel stone ...

My link

My link

My link (probably the closest in dimensions and appearance to what I imagine it would look like, though with a slightly heavier and non twisted cross piece and of course larger pommel stone)


Cthrek Goru:

Torak's Great Blade of Shadows, it has the effect of causing weakness and fear in those foolish enough to stand against it, enchantments not difficult to reproduce in Skyrim, however the blades "shadow" effect may be, as I imagine this would be similar to the "smoke" effect on the Ebony Mail.

The design would perhaps be a little bit harder as their is no real description of what the sword would actually look like, only it effects. I'm kind of taken with this design though

My link but artistic license could take you in any direction I guess.


an artists impression of the blade being wielded

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