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Elys Uncapper and increasing the amount of perks gained per level...


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Hello, I am having problems modifying the file such that I gain 2 perks per level rather than the conventional 1.


; Anything behind a semicolon is considered a comment and has no effect






;INI file version

iINIFileVersion = 3


;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the plugin

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the AutoUpdate functionality. IT MIGHT NOT WORK WITH CERTAIN SKYRIM VERSION! ENABLE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill Level Caps;

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill caps inside formulas governed by skills.

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the ingame Enchanter Uncapper skill caps

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill Experience Gained Multipliers;

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the Uncapper Skill Experience to Player's Character Experience Multipliers;

;Default value = 0



Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of perks gained, set by the Uncapper, at each level up

Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of health points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Health is selected during the Level Up screen

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of magicka points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Magicka is selected during the Level Up screen

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of stamina points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Stamina is selected during the Level Up screen

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of "Carry Weight" points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Health is selected during the Level Up screen

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of "Carry Weight" points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Magicka is selected during the Level Up screen

;Default value = 0



;Enable(1) or Disable(0) the number of "Carry Weight" points, set by the Uncapper, gained at each level up when Stamina is selected during the Level Up screen

;Default value = 0





; Set the Skill Level Cap to

; Between 0 and 10000;

; Using too low or too high values may crash the game. Handle them with caution.

; Default game value = 100







As you can see, I changed the value to 2 but I still only gain one. Which semicolons if any must I remove? I would be greatly appreciative of any help offered. Thank you in advance.

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i have mostly given up on that but if this thread yeald some answers or posible solutions i wil try them


The read me file does have some vague instructions:



;Set the number of perks gained at each level up. If a specific level is not specified then the closest lower level setting is used.

;Default game value is one perk per level (you can also use float as value, for example 1.25 per points per level)

; Level (2..10000) = Perks (0..255)


;In the following inactive commented example the player will gain 1 perk per level at and from level 2 to 9, then 2 perks per level at and from level 10 to 29,

; then 4 perks per level at and from level 30 to 94, then no perk at all per level for level 95 and above








But it does not specify if it is the top line or bottom line that needs to be changed or both. I will keep on trying for a while, all I want is 2 perks per level.

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i use:





means 2 perks to lvl 95 and then 0 perks


But i think it's enought to set 2=2 to get always 2 perk points. All with ";" in front is despriction or example, "2=1" without ";" is the working standard-variable so set it to "2=2".


Also the line "bUsePerksPerLevelAndAbove=0" must be changed to "bUsePerksPerLevelAndAbove=1"


And be sure using the right version of uncapper for your skyrimversion.

Edited by Dalter
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