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Looking for some talented people from the community


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I'm working on a large scale mod that focuses on restoring the Dark Brotherhood in the Fourth Era, and I need some people on board to help me complete it. Right now I'm the only person on the team and my abilities stop at 3D modeling, level design, concept art, and writing.


So I need some people that are good at scripting to help me with a very important feature of the mod (which is discussed in detail in the WIP thread) and also quest scripting and AI. Those aren't my strong points, so I don't see myself getting very far with that. I'm also looking for some writers to help me flesh out the overall story. Right now I have an outline of the events from the beginning to the end, but it needs to be fleshed out. It would also be beneficial if you were good with coming up with quest scenarios and dialogue as well.


Please let me know If you're interested in joining the team, or just being a contributor. I'd love to have any help I can get.

Edited by VincentLachance
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