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Alternate Start Cell Stairs Issue


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Okay, so I have a pretty huge mod loadout for my game. The issue is that outside of the cell door in Alternate Start, there's nothing but a blue void. I tried going close to it and somehow I fell through and ended up in an underground grotto place, then got transported back to the cell. But that's not actually the issue. I can still play fine. I just need to get out of the cell before setting up my mods, because if I set them up in the cell I end up getting the bed loop bug. Triggering sleep before any of the mods get set up allows Alternate Start to send me properly to where I plan on going, so there's no issue there.

My main concern is that blue void outside the door. I don't know if it's some problem with the cell being somehow detached from where ever it is connected or if the textures are missing. Because I'd imagine if the textures were actually missing, I mean, why is the rest of the prison cell still there?

What I am trying to ask help for is if anybody knows any location close to the ASLAL starting points that uses the same textures to the outside of the prison cell so I can maybe toggle TGM and go there right after starting to check if those textures are still there. Seems like an easier way to narrow down the possible sources of issue rather than going through uninstallation and reinstallation of the mods one by one. I mean, I wouldn't want to ignore it and then suddenly find myself in the middle of a dungeon crawl a hundred hours later finding an entire corridor missing just because I ignored the blue void outside of the ASLAL prison cell.

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  • 1 year later...

Hello, im with the same problem, i will try to put tes5edit to clean, but if doesnt work, i will just reinstall the mod, it doesnt break the game but it sucks, its a glitch, we need a bug destroyer like arthmoor

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Hey its me again...


this guy have the same problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/77ysqr/graphical_bug_seeing_the_void_through_certain/


One guy on comments said to use this patch to Live another live and ELFX, i have both and im going to install the patch now.

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