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looking for some one to team up.


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Hi. I'm ice

I'm now to Blender. and I'm making same nice stuff. I'm looking for same one who can make my items nif ready for skyrim. if any one wont to team up.


her is my blog. so you can see sam of my work. my Blender work.


note: I'm rally green when it comes to Blender.

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Yeah, exporting is the boring part, it's true, but once you've learned it you can do it quite quickly and easily.


One of the best tutorials on getting a custom weapon in-game is this one. It's especially good because it can be done without having to bother with blender 2.4, or the .nif export scripts.


I took a look at your blog; you've got some very promising stuff. I like the axe. If you want to lose the blockiness where all the faces are distinct, set it to "shade smooth", and use an edgesplit modifier and "mark sharp" the edges you don't want to be smooth. Just remember to apply the modifier before exporting.

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nice :thumbsup:


I made one very similar....I mean very close to exact, I just made mine Damascus steel.... :biggrin:




Blender is a great program, here is another Axe I made



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The models are quite good. Though you should practice some texturing. Try to keep both skills up-to-date and equal. One is no good without the other.
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I'm not joining any team to day. (I'm rally now to Blender). perhaps later i my join same one.(When im geting bater at Blender)


thx for the invite. I played Moonstone an the Amiga when i was younger and i loved it. prophase i well join your team if i can free up same time.


I look foreword of seeing Moonstone resurrect. and good luck.

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some what unrelated but @matth85 do you know any good texturing tutorials? ive gotten a little better through practice but im lacking structure


Check out:

3dtotal, digitaltutors or 3dMotive.


3dtotal is free, and got tons of "making of" tutorials, which show full pipeline, including texturing.

3dMotive costs monthly, but got a few very solid tutorials. These includes next-gen texturing an asset, and hand painting a few other assets.

Digitaltutors cost as well, but in return got the most quality tutorials. This includes all kind of tutorials for all kind of software. Worth subscriping to for 1 month, at least.


Otherwise you can chec out


and look out for the tutorials of Racer445. A top notch artist, who actually had made a few models for a couple of AAA titles before the age of 18.

His texture tutorial goes into how to break down a scene and look at the different materials.


That should give you what you need. The only other thing to say is: When texturing, think materials and think logical exposure to aging. Even if your eyes can't tell what's wrong with a texture, your head can. So the materials and dirt/grunge needs to be set correct.



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