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skill levelup limit 127?


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i have a difficult problem and im in need of the help of somebody who understands the game mechanics of oblivion.

im building a maxed out character (max health, attribs etc). i play oblivion patched to 1.2 without any mods.

this is a very long process, but im nearly at the end (level 51, training for level 52) and i have problem: as this is the levelup before the last i wanted to increase all skills to 100 that wont interfere with last levelup. but i got only 1 attribute multiplier for intelligence and i need 5. i have 192 increases this level in intelligence governed skills, and it seems that the game cant handle that: with setdebugtext 10 it seems that it can only handle 127, then it changes to -127 and then increasing (towards 0) again.

i could have halve the int skill increases, and leave half of them for the next level, the problem is that id like to make two versions: one all maxed out and one with 96 intelligence, so that with the dar-ma quest and oghma infinium ill be able to have 4 extra levelups. in the second case i need the 4 int slots and i mustnt get a multiplier to int after level 52.


what i would need is a way to set the multiplier for the next levelup OR set the intelligence governed skill increases so it wouldnt go negative (less than 128 amd more than 9 precisely so that i get the 5x int).


any help or idea would be greatly appreciated, if i cant solve this problem it will set me back around a dozen levels, and a very frustrating week 8((.


thank you in advance,


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i have a difficult problem and im in need of the help of somebody who understands the game mechanics of oblivion.

im building a maxed out character (max health, attribs etc). i play oblivion patched to 1.2 without any mods.

this is a very long process, but im nearly at the end (level 51, training for level 52) and i have problem: as this is the levelup before the last i wanted to increase all skills to 100 that wont interfere with last levelup. but i got only 1 attribute multiplier for intelligence and i need 5. i have 192 increases this level in intelligence governed skills, and it seems that the game cant handle that: with setdebugtext 10 it seems that it can only handle 127, then it changes to -127 and then increasing (towards 0) again.

i could have halve the int skill increases, and leave half of them for the next level, the problem is that id like to make two versions: one all maxed out and one with 96 intelligence, so that with the dar-ma quest and oghma infinium ill be able to have 4 extra levelups. in the second case i need the 4 int slots and i mustnt get a multiplier to int after level 52.


what i would need is a way to set the multiplier for the next levelup OR set the intelligence governed skill increases so it wouldnt go negative (less than 128 amd more than 9 precisely so that i get the 5x int).


any help or idea would be greatly appreciated, if i cant solve this problem it will set me back around a dozen levels, and a very frustrating week 8((.


thank you in advance,



Why not try Legendary Mastery and go beyond that?



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thank you for your reply.

one of the rules i set up for myself that i must use only vanilla oblivion with the official patch. no mods, no console.

yeah, i know its stupid, it takes a lot of time, most of the time boring and frustrating etc but thats part of the challenge 8). its not anyones idea of having fun to sell 1600 arrows one by one...

i had to use the console once anyway because the marksman master trainer got herself killed, and im willing to use it again to solve the problem above but thats where i draw the line. i dont consider this cheating as it is only circumventing a bug.

when (and if) my character is ready i WILL use some mods for convenience but nothing until then.



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thank you for your reply.

one of the rules i set up for myself that i must use only vanilla oblivion with the official patch. no mods, no console.

yeah, i know its stupid, it takes a lot of time, most of the time boring and frustrating etc but thats part of the challenge 8) . its not anyones idea of having fun to sell 1600 arrows one by one...

i had to use the console once anyway because the marksman master trainer got herself killed, and im willing to use it again to solve the problem above but thats where i draw the line. i dont consider this cheating as it is only circumventing a bug.

when (and if) my character is ready i WILL use some mods for convenience but nothing until then.





Well this isn't really a technical problem but I WILL say I think you must be masochistic! hehe


Good luck with your challenge.



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well, you might be right about the masoch part, altough i cant say i enjoy it.

i just want to play the game from the beginning with the most powerful character possible (i know that it wont be easier because the npc/creature leveling), and i consider making this char with advskill/modpcs etc cheating.

but im not sure wether this is or isnt a technical problem: after all this is all caused by a bug, a faulty game mechanism...

thanks for your reply anyway,


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i found a way, ill give 90 int governed skill increases with modpcs (this is enough to get them to the desired range and get the 5x int multiplier) and after leveling up i remove it with player.setav (negative modpcs and advskill unfortunatelly crash the game).

im not happy with it because this method messes a bit with the experience points (not exactly the same as were before) but i cant think of a better solution.

if i could increase/decrease the xp of a skill, it would be perfect but i couldnt find anything about how to do it (if possible at all)...


so consider the problem (half)solved, thank you all who read this topic with an intent to help.



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