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Need help with a short script (Activator inventory title)

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My suggestion several weeks ago was to quest alias rename the source workshop ref so the container name changes.

i did that but the name was still the same as the workshop maybe i do something wrong i don't know . :confused:

Can you please explain me step by step how to do that so i can try one more time (or a script that triggers a quest onactivate and untrigger ondeactivate)

cuz i'm tired of trying but really i appreciate you trying also with helping me out.

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A quick proof of concept:


1. Create a new message in the title put the name you want.

2. Create a quest: start game enabled, priority 99

3. Add a reference alias WORKSHOP.

3.1 Display name: the message form name

3.2 Specific reference: select forced reference your workshop.

4. Save the ESP.

5. Load a fresh savegame that has never seen that ESP before.

6. Access the Workshop inventory what name is above the list ?

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A quick proof of concept:


1. Create a new message in the title put the name you want.

2. Create a quest: start game enabled, priority 99

3. Add a reference alias WORKSHOP.

3.1 Display name: the message form name

3.2 Specific reference: select forced reference your workshop.

4. Save the ESP.

5. Load a fresh savegame that has never seen that ESP before.

6. Access the Workshop inventory what name is above the list ?

It changes the workshop title but still changes automatically the title of the crate also

cuz the crate is linked to the workshop. i give up i spent to much time for this small thing

i'm tired i guess it's to complicated what i want. :sad:

But still thnx for your time and effort i really appreciated en you explained perfect. :thumbsup:

:smile: Well.....HAVE A NICE DAY :thumbsup:

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