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So, I was thinking, you can decapitate an enemy relatively easily in vanilla skyrim. But what I want to see is the ability to chop off arms, legs, etc. Similar to how fallout was. I don't know if this is even possible, if fallout's dismemberment was a product of the game engine, or what. I just thought it was kind of silly that I could swing a greatsword at someone, and not have an arm come flying off.
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I'm not sure exactly how it was done in Fallout but surely the same basic method could be employed right? Or am I missing something crucial?


As I stated the .nif files are very different between FO and Skyrim ... Basically when you "dismember" someone, it replaces one limb with a "chopped off" version.

Ever notice how all the dismemberment's in FO were identical? In FO .nifs, their is an extra part on limbs that is similar to the "socket" on real world prosthetic limbs, it sits over the end of the limb and has a "blood 'n' gore" texture to simulate a severed limb ... This feature was removed from Skyrim and the .nifs no longer support the extra bits ... I'm not a programmer, but I don't think the game engine, as it stands in Skyrim, can use these meshes any more ...

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Maybe there'll eventually be something to let meshes be changed in-game like what was used in Deadly Reflex for Oblivion, but that software doesn't exist at the moment.
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