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A Question of Proportion


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I am planning (no promises yet) on making a mod that adds a new worldspace reminiscent of the Elsweyr mod for Oblivion (in that it has quests and cities but largely remains a modder's resource) and I was wondering just how big I should make the worldspace. I have included a basic map for size comparison and am wondering either approximately how many cells square that would be or how I would figure it out for myself. This is obviously not the final rendering of the map.
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But to answer your question, I suggest you keep it small at first, for example start with one of the islands, see how much work that is, and then base the rest of elsweyr on that.

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Bumping is not exactly allowed here ;]


But to answer your question, I suggest you keep it small at first, for example start with one of the islands, see how much work that is, and then base the rest of elsweyr on that.


I'm not making Elsweyr, I'm making an entirely different continent, and I have loads of practice making several different sizes of landscapes in the cs. I just want to make this a specific size in proportion to the rest, based on how the continent appears on a map of nirn. This continent is Pyandonea, not Elsweyr. And sorry for bumping, I didn't see anything about it in the terms, but admittedly, I just sort of glanced at them.

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