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New Quest > New Faction > New Guild


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I'm not worried about how hard anything is. If it was easy, I wouldn't be doing it. I don't do this because its easy, I do it to learn and because I want new content to fool with. If it's hard, so be it, it only means I have a lot to work on and enough to bide my time.


As for adding new NPCs and adding objects, thats fine. I can do that. However, I do not understand how to edit that said NPC's inventory through the CS and not the console. I have the basics of the whole quest thing down. I know about the stages and the dialogue. I didn't just come here without trying and figuring it out. I came here for guidance. Some have given it, some didn't know the answer, thus they talked out their "ass" as I say, and posted a link to something I read, and still couldn't find it.


I appreciate Gis for the help, and it does help. As for Vag, thanks for the scripts, thats basically what I need.


I still don't understand the factions though. I know I "give" the factions to an NPC but I still am in the blue on how to go about joining, and setting the ranks, ect. If you know of any tuts or any posts about it, could you please reply with them?

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To add things into the NPC's inventory:


Double click a NPC, click on the inventory tab. Now move the window aside and find the desired items you want to add into this NPC's inventory in the "Object Window" Once found just click-drag-drop the items into the inventory table. To change the amount select the item in the inventory table and click once on the number, -1 means infinite. Usefull for giving the NPC's food so that they don't have to search for it.


You can change the PC guild status with quests scripts, either look it up on the CS wiki or just look at one of the vanila quests. This however involves some searching, then again it's gonna do you good.


But it's basicaly about using the script function "SetFactionRank" - like this:


player.SetFactionRank LolGuild, 0


For refference, the dark brotherhood does it with a script result attached in the quest "A Knife in the Dark" (editor name "Dark01Knife") in a topic named "Dark01Choice5B" (you'll find it on the topic tab of the aforementioned quest).

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To add things into the NPC's inventory:


Double click a NPC, click on the inventory tab. Now move the window aside and find the desired items you want to add into this NPC's inventory in the "Object Window" Once found just click-drag-drop the items into the inventory table. To change the amount select the item in the inventory table and click once on the number, -1 means infinite. Usefull for giving the NPC's food so that they don't have to search for it.



Bah, tried everything except dragging it into the window. I kept trying to right click and add new -_-. Thanks!

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I'll break it down for you.


Quest script

scn yourfactionfirstquestscript

short init

begin gamemode
if getstage <this quest> == 1
setstage <thisquest> 10
elseif getstage <thisquest> == 15
player.setfactionrank <your faction> 0
setstage <thisquest> 16


Note script

scn yournotescript

begin onequip
if getstage <yourquest> == 0
 setstage <yourquest> 1


Every time I use the 2nd script, I get an error while trying to save. "Script 'BloodLetter', line 3: Invalid block type for quest script."


I have set the script type to quest, and it gives this. If I set it to object, it gives, me a "Missing Parameter Quest."


The quest is created, but I cannot get the script onto the item because of these errors. What am I doing wrong. I figured the script type should be object since its a object. I just can't get the script to save. I've tried both script types, Object and Quest, no go. Copied pase from the thread, renamed the yourquest to the name of the quest.




Apparently I'm an idiot and kept putting < > in and its not supposed to be there.




Got it :).

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Tip to speed things up, ask what command you need to do something on this forum, and when your given it, look it up.


Knowing the right commands is the problem early on for scripting.


Tyreil829 thanks for the cheap shot at my expense, do you kick the disabled for fun after you leave here, called black men niggars or single out other groups for special treatment because i am a member of particular group of people that are snowblind to those sort of mistakes sometimes and no matter of reading will reveal the problem yet here i am, refusing to let it beat me, running websites, writing guides, taking my problem by the horns and coming out during day light so people like you can bash me for it.


Thanks a bunch!




Read it then look at my other posts, see if you understand what I am fighting against.



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yes alright i made a mistake im sorry besides your not alone with your problem many people such as you and me suffer from it quite a curse


Carth Onasi

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yes alright i made a mistake im sorry besides your not alone with your problem many people such as you and me suffer from it quite a curse


Carth Onasi


I waste hours some days on a single message because it.


But if it where not for the constant comments, id recommend everybody that suffers take their problem online in the form of website, the constant practice helped me a lot, 8 years of maintaining websites every single day means ive visible improved instead of gotten worse but its never going to be perfect but my grasp of constructing sentenses when im okay is light years better than it was.


The snow blindness is the think i cannot beat, when it strikes im blind, i just dont see my own mistakes. The rest i can deal with, ask people about because i know its wrong.


This may sound odd but the words i have the most trouble with have less than 4 letters in them.


Anyway its been a week for gramma bashing it seems and its wearing me down, im too edgy so I am off.


PS dont spread it around please, I rarely mention it in public and only did so today because ive had my fill this week of it and wanted people to understand how hard i already fight this thing.



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